
Psyc502identify the contributions made by each of the

Tests and Measurements

Exam: Introduction and Methodology of Assessment

Instructions: Save a copy of this test on your hard drive. Answer two of the three short answer questions below for each Unit 1 chapter with one or two substantially detailed paragraphs with each answer between a half and a whole page.

Only answer two questions per chapter set inserting answers below the questions. If more than two are answered the first two answers will be graded for each chapter.

All published material on which answers are based must be paraphrased (restated in your own words with no quoting permitted), properly APA format source credited, including within-answer citations and a list of references attached to the end of each.

Answers should succinct, thorough, articulated in well organized, complete thought paragraphs (lists, sentence fragments and bulleted items are not permitted) and more substantive than definitions of terms, procedures or issues.

Chapter 1

Answer two questions.

• Identify the contributions made by each of the following individuals to psychological and educational assessment: Alfred Binet, J. McKeen Cattell, Francis Galton, Hermann Rorschach, Charles Spearman, Lewis Terman, Edward Thorndike, Robert Woodworth, and E. K. Strong, Jr.

• Select a psychological test (e.g., Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III) and report on an evaluation of it.

• Consider the following three clients: One is being assessed due to a crime and is pleading insanity, a second wants to know the best type of psychotherapy for him-or herself, and a third is being evaluated for special education classes. Using the correct terms from the assigned chapter, describe how tests are likely to be used for each situation.

Chapter 2

Answer two questions.

• Explain the importance of conceptualizing educational objectives prior to developing items for a test.

• Explain why it might be important to organize relevant behaviors and contexts before developing test items.

• What are the advantages of disadvantages of oral tests compared with written tests?

Chapter 3

Answer two questions.

• Define testwiseness, and describe test-taking behaviors that are indicative of it.

• What is adaptive testing and in what ways is adaptive testing superior to conventional objective testing procedures? In what ways is it inferior?

• What are some advantages and disadvantages of constructing, administering, and scoring tests by computer as compared with performing the same procedures in the traditional manner?

Chapter 4

Answer two questions.

• Describe the conceptual strategy behind selecting test items based on internal consistency.

• Describe the underlying concepts behind item-response theory.

• Define simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and item sampling.

Chapter 5

Answer two questions.

• Define what is meant by reliability and why might a test have high or low reliability?

• Define the following types of reliability: test-retest, parallel forms, internal consistency (split half, Kuder-Richardson, and coefficient alpha), and interscorer.

• Determine which types of reliability would be best for the following types of tests: a test to determine suicide risk, an achievement test for a history class, and an essay test in which there may be ambiguous scoring criteria.

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Dissertation: Psyc502identify the contributions made by each of the
Reference No:- TGS02213063

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