
Psyc502 tests and measurements unit 3 exam assessment of

Tests and Measurements Unit 3 Exam: Assessment of Personality

Only answer two questions per chapter set inserting answers below the questions.  If more than two are answered the first two answers will be graded for each chapter. 

All published material on which answers are based must be paraphrased (restated in your own words with no quoting permitted), properly APA format source credited, including within-answer citations and a list of references attached to the end of each.  Answers should succinct, thorough, articulated in well organized, complete thought paragraphs (lists, sentence fragments and bulleted items are not permitted) and more substantive than definitions of terms, procedures or issues. 

Chapter 14

  • What is meant by an empirical approach to personality assessment? What are possible advantages over theoretical approaches?
  • List and briefly define four possible ethical issues related to personality assessment.
  • List four sources of error when doing psychodiagnosis. What do you thing can be done to minimize these sources of error?

Chapter 15

  • Provide brief definitions of critical incidents, incident sampling, time sampling, participant observation, situational testing, nonverbal behaviors, self-observation, and content analysis.
  • Define what is meant by the methode clinique, stress interviewing, and cognitive interviewing.
  • Describe what is meant by behavior analysis, observational methods, self-monitoring, and behavioral interviewing.

Chapter 17

  • List and explain the sequence of steps (at least four) you would go through if you wanted to develop a multiconstuct factor analytically based test of positive aspects of human functioning.
  • Describe the sequences involved in criterion keying.
  • Describe the method and rationale for the development of the MMPI-2, and list and explain five reasons why the MMPI-2 ahs been so popular.

Chapter 18

  • What is the projective hypothesis and what are the supposed advantages of projective techniques?
  • Describe four interpretive signs for the Rorschach (e.g., what does it mean if someone gives no or very few "color" responses?).
  • What are three reasons why it was necessary to develop variations of the TAT? Give three examples of variations.

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