Instructions. Experimental designs establish cause-effect relationships (Salkind, 2017). In this exercise, you will analyze four experimental designs reviewed in Chapter 11. You will also write a summary that reviews the pros and cons of each design.
Step 1: Fill out the Experimental Design table below using complete sentences (the table continues on page 2). An example is provided. Expand the table as necessary.
Step 2: Below the table, in 150-250 words, provide a brief design summary that critically analyzes the strengths and limitations of the four designs in the table. In addition to the textbook, include at least one outsidereference to support your analysis.
Experimental Design
Type of Design
(Pre- or True)
Define the Steps
Provide an Example
1. One-shot case study
This is a pre-experimental design without random selection or assignment. There is no control group.
One group of participants is recruited. They receive a treatment. Then, a posttest is completed.
A researcher selects a class of college students enrolled in a statistics course. Students read a web site on the causes and coping mechanisms for statistics anxiety. They then fill out a survey measuring their current level of statistics anxiety.
2. One-group pretest posttest design
3. Pretest posttest control group
4. Posttest-only control group