The Fallible Nature of Memory
In this discussion forum, you will explore the imperfect content of our memories of past experiences. For your initial post, complete the following steps:
Watch the following videos:
o False memories.
o Loftus Speaks: The Malleability of Memory.
Optional Support:
- Then, go to the Coglab to experience one of the procedures/tasks that scientists have used to investigate memory errors and distortions.
- Select one of the following experiments:
- False Memory (i.e., an illustration of one of the sources of memory errors
- Forgot It All Along Effect (i.e., the phenomenon whereby prior episodes of remembering are forgotten)
Keep in mind that each experiment illustrates a procedure/task that is used by scientists to understand the fallibility of long-term memory. Read the section of the textbook devoted to the selected experiment. Then, consider what participants' performance on the corresponding task tells you about long-term memory's errors and distortions.
Also, consider the extent to which the results of the selected experiment apply to real-life experiences and settings. For instance, what do the results of the false memory experiment with words tell you about real-life cases of false memories of traumatic experiences, faulty eyewitness testimony, etc.?
Support your points with evidence from at least one peer-reviewed research article. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.