
Psy 624 compare and contrast ethical concerns related to

Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric: Draft of Legal and Ethical Considerations

In Milestone Two, you will utilize information that you researched and read for Milestone One. For this milestone, you should focus on the critical elements provided in this document and concisely integrate these elements into your draft. This will incorporate the Supreme Court and federal laws that you have examined and discussed in the course thus far.

Prompt: Submit a draft of the legal and ethical considerations (Section II), including all critical elements as listed below. In this section, you will compare and contrast ethical concerns related to the treatment of each of the target populations.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

II. Legal and Ethical Considerations

a) Compare and contrast ethical concerns related to the treatment of each of the target populations. For example, what ethical concerns do psychologists face in treating each of the target populations within the constraints of the legal system? Are there special considerations in addressing victims versus those who are incarcerated, or violent versus non-violent offenders? Are there certain ethical principles that apply to all three populations? Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples and guidelines from a professional psychology organization.

b) Discuss how the specific ethical guidelines of a professional psychology organization may have informed the treatment strategies for each of the three populations. Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples.

c) Compare and contrast federal laws related to the treatment of each of the target populations. How do these laws inform or constrain care options? Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples.

d) Assess the impact of U.S. Supreme Court cases on the development and implementation of treatment programs for each of the target populations. How do these cases inform or constrain care options? Be sure to substantiate your claims with specific examples.

1. Non-violent offenders

2. Violent offenders

3. Trauma victims

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the legal and ethical considerations (Section II) must be submitted as a three- to four-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.

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Dissertation: Psy 624 compare and contrast ethical concerns related to
Reference No:- TGS02203664

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