Assignment Instructions - You'll create both pseudocode and a flowchart to design a program that asks for fat grams and calories in a food item.
Validate the input as follows:
Make sure the numbers of fat grams and calories aren't less than 0.
Ensure that the number of calories entered isn't greater than fat grams × 9.
Once correct data has been entered, the program should calculate and display the percentage of calories that come from fat. Use the following formula:
Percentage of calories from fat = (Fat grams × 9) ÷ calories
Some nutritionists classify a food as "low fat" if less than 30 percent of its calories come from fat. If the results of this formula are less than 0.3, the program should display a message indicating the food is low in fat.
Review Appendices B and C in your textbook for guidance when working on your project. Use free trials of any of the programs listed in CSC105 Graded Project 1 to create the flowchart. Write your pseudocode in a plain-text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit, and save as a text file (*.txt). Save a screenshot of your flowchart as a JPEG file (*.jpg).