Prs201 - public relations theory and practice - outlining

Public Relations Theory and Practice


You are required to write a 2,500-word report; outlining the PR errors made by a company in a real case from the business world; and make recommendations as to how the company should have handled the issue from a PR perspective. Your answer should draw on your knowledge of PR theory, practical considerations, and your own creativity.

Choose one of the three companies/issues listed below:
- United Airlines' removal of Dr. David Dao from Flight 3411, which was awaiting departure from Chicago to Louisville, and was overbooked.
- CommInsure, the insurance arm of Commonwealth Bank, pressuring doctors as part of its strategy to avoid payouts to ill and terminally ill patients
- Volkswagen's diesel emissions scandal

Your answer should be in report format:
- Cover page
- Contents
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Main report
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- References (Harvard or APA format)

You should aim to include a minimum of 6 references (more is better), of which some should be peer-reviewed academic journals. The following guidelines are to assist you with presentation and layout:
- Cover page should include name, student number, unit number, unit name, assessment number, assessment name, and date
- Use Arial, Calibri, or Tahoma, 12 pt font
- Double spacing
- Double justification of text
- Headers and footers on all pages other than the cover page - headers and footers should contain your name and student number, the unit number and name, and a page number

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