
Provisions of whs act-regulations and codes of practice

Please address the following headings with supported examples for each one

Please specify your response as per headings so I will not struggling to match which passage for which heading


1. Accurately explain to the work team, relevant provisions of WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice

2. Provide information about the organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and programs, and ensure it is readily accessible to and understandable by the work team

3. Regularly provide and clearly explain to the work team, information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control

4. Communicate to workplace parties the importance of effective consultation mechanisms in managing health and safety risks in the workplace

5. Apply consultation procedures to facilitate participation of the work team in managing work area hazards

6. Promptly deal with issues raised through consultation, according to organisational consultation procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements

7. Promptly record and communicate to the work team the outcomes of consultation over WHS issues

8. Identify WHS training needs according to organisational requirements, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements

9. Make arrangements to meet WHS training needs of team members in consultation with relevant individuals

10. Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance, to facilitate team and individual achievement of identified WHS training needs

11. Identify and report to management the costs associated with providing training for work team, for inclusion in financial and management plans

12. Identify and report on hazards in work area according to WHS policies and procedures, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements

13. Promptly action team member hazard reports according to organisational procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements

14. Implement procedures to control risks using the hierarchy of control, according to organisational and WHS legislative requirements

15. Identify and report inadequacies in existing risk controls according to hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements

16. Monitor outcomes of reports on inadequacies, where appropriate, to ensure a prompt organisational response

17. Accurately complete and maintain WHS records of incidents of occupational injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and legislative requirements

18. Use aggregate information and data from work area records to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area

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Other Subject: Provisions of whs act-regulations and codes of practice
Reference No:- TGS01240604

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