Question 1. Which type of union security provision is illegal under the provisions of the National Labor Relations Actnion shop
- Agency shop
- Closed shop
- Open shop
- Checkoff provision
Question 2. Which of the following is a characteristic of an industrial union?
- All the members are in the same occupation.
- Union leaders try to limit the number of members in order to maintain high wages.
- Members are linked by their work in a particular industry.
- Members change employers more frequently than in other types of unions.
- It is often responsible for training its members through apprenticeships.
Question 3. Which of the following is a federal law passed in 1935 that supports collective bargaining and sets out the rights of employees to form unions?
- The Landrum-Griffin Act
- The Civil Rights Act
- The Wagner Act
- The Taft-Hartley Act
- The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Question 4. When does the NLRB certify a union as the exclusive representative of a group of employees?
- When the management of an organization approves of a union
- When a union pays its dues to the board
- When at least 51 % of the employees join the union within a certain time (30 days) after beginning employment
- When a majority of workers vote in favor of a union
- When the AFL-CIO votes in favor of a union
Question 5. Which of the following is a union security arrangement that requires the payment of union dues but not union membership?
- Agency shop
- Union shop
- Closed shop
- Maintenance of membership
- Checkoff provision