Assignment Task:
Provision of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics states:
Health Is a Universal Right:
The nursing profession holds that health is a universal human right. Therefore, the need for nursing is universal. As the World Health Organization states: "...the highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being." This right has economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions. It includes: access to health care, emergency care, and trauma care; basic sanitation; education concerning the prevention, treatment, and control of prevailing health problems; food security; immunizations; injury prevention; prevention and control of locally endemic diseases and vectors; public education concerning health promotion and maintenance; potable water; and reproductive health care. This affirmation of health as a fundamental, universal human right is held in common with the United Nations, the International Council of Nurses, and many human rights treaties.
Based upon the assigned reading, which ethical theory/theories seem to be embodied by this provision? There are several right answers to this question; you will need to defend your answer through careful reasoning, using your textbook and academic sources to support your answer.