This assessment task is an individual assessment and is focused on the provided case scenario.
Students are required to discuss the assessment and care provision. A significant focus of this assessment is in demonstrating how the dignity of the client/patient can be maintained through the provision and evaluation of nursing care. This is to be integrated through the assessment.
The discussion of care provision should also demonstrate evidence of ethical decision making. The marking criteria attached to the unit outline will provide more specific information on the requirements of the essay. The essay outline submitted for assignment one is to be refined based on feedback and used as the foundation for the second assignment.
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to promote both problem solving and care provision, including prioritising, within a clinical scenario.
Personal opinion:
1. Please read through the scenario, instruction and marking guide very carefully before you start it.
2. This is an essay. Please use academic way to write.
3. Use APA references. Please use Australia resource. The references must be within in 5 years.( Use references from 2009-2014.) No website. Please use journal article and books only.
NRSG 259 semester two 2014. Scenario assignment one and two.
Mrs Amalie Jones
Mrs. Amalie Jones is an 89-year -old woman who migrated to Australia from Germany 40 years ago after meeting and marrying Mr Henry Jones, an Australian sailor. Amalie’s son Dominik from a previous marriage in Germany lives with his family in Germany but has been visiting regularly since Amalie migrated to Australia. Henry‘s daughter Tracy and Henry’s extended family live in other states in Australia but have kept in re gular contact. Tracy and her family in particular, have visited very regularly . Two years ago Henry passed away after a long battle with l ung cancer leaving Amalie by herself in their single story home. Amalie reti red from primary school teaching twenty f our years ago, the same year Henry retired from the Australian Navy. The couple spent their time together traveling around the world and volunteering at the local St Vincent de Paul shop. They participated actively in their local Catholic C hurch, organising fundraising activities. They were also very active members of the German Association. Amalie is fluent in both written and spoken English and German. She speaks with a strong German accent and sometimes people ask her to repeat herself.
Amalie’s health has been slowly deteriorating over the last two years, forcing her to withdraw from the activities she has been involved in for so many years. Last year, when Dominik and his family visited Amalie, they wanted her to return to Germany so that he and his family could be close to her but Amalie refused to go although she was very grateful to her son and family. Henry’s daughter Tracy has kept in touch with Amalie since Henry died and visits every three months with daily phone calls but has not suggested any living arrangements to Amalie.
Recently, Amalie has developed dry macular degeneration and has had to give up driving. She has difficulty with mobility due to significant problems with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, rarely leaves the house and has lost physical contact with most of her friends and members of the German association. Amalie’s house is unusually unkempt and her cupboards are pretty bare except for some tins of soup and baked beans. Amalie feels very connected to her community and wants to stay there, but she has realised that in order to do this, she may need help. Amalie does not want to bother Tracy as she feels she is already too much of a burden on Tracy and her family. Amalie’s doctor is getting concerned that she is not eating properly, losing weight and becoming too isolated.
Amalie has a medical history of arthritis, hypothyroidism and macular degeneration.
The referral letter from her GP states the following symptoms:
• Joint stiffness.
• Swollen feet and enlarged joints.
• Painful joints particularly, her knee, hip, fingers and back.
• Limited joint movement.
• Constipation
• Occasional dizziness
• Vision deficit
• Non -significant recent weight loss
• Pt states adherence to medications but suspect she may forget or skip doses when she is in pain.
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