
Provides an appropriate and well-grounded discussion of the


The total word count is 2500 plus/minus 10%, not including references.



- Must consist of around 500 words

- Which ‘types' of research predominate in this field? (this includes research philosophy and methodology). Why do you think that is the case?

- Provides an appropriate and well-grounded discussion of the key philosophical and methodological approaches found in the literature that you have reviewed.

- It is important that the work discusses how the philosophical and methodological approaches have impacted on the work

- It is unlikely that you can address each article in great detail so you need to present an overall picture whilst providing examples

A.1. Research Philosophy

- Must discuss research philosophy in all selected papers. (could be group such as x papers used Positivism while others were Interpretivism)

- There must be critical discussion, not just listing of philosophy used in all selected papers. State reasons why selected philosophy is used.

- Examples of philosophy and their corresponding methodologies and interests.

Philosophy Methodology Interests

Positivism Quantitative (Through surveys) Believe in numbers

Interpretivism Qualitative (Through observations & interviews) Believe in meaning

A.2. Research Methodology

- Discuss methodology in all papers used and why.

Part B. LITERATURE REVIEW(Themes & Theories)

- Must be around 1500 words.

- Evaluate what the key authors have said about these issues? What do you think of the coherence of their arguments? To what extent have they substantiated their arguments by using evidence? Compare and contrast approaches.

- Make sure you present the key debates about the topic and evaluate the main argumentsin the discussion.

- Select some key themes that cut across the literature in your topic and present the main debates around them.

- Critical analysis is essential to demonstrate good knowledge of the subject and shows good analytical skills (not descriptive work please).

- You must compare and contrast the approaches of the different authors and critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of their competing approaches.

- Recommended number of themes is 3-5.

B.1. Theme 1

B.2. Theme 2

B.3. Theme 3

PART C. REFLECTION (Learning & Limitations)

- Must be around 500 words

- Please take this section seriously.

- This section is not a conclusion and I do not want to see you summarizing the previous section.

- Cite the reason for choosing the topic.

- Reflection and synthesis is critical to doctoral work and it is very important to reflect on how the literature review impacts on your own topic and your own choices for the methodological approach.

- How reviewing the literature has changed your views and how these changes in your views have impacted on the development of your research programme e.g. changes in proposed research aims, objectives, research questions, research strategies, methods, informants etc.

- You do not have the space to go into a great deal of detail but ensure giving some reflection.


- Make sure using Harvard Referencing

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Dissertation: Provides an appropriate and well-grounded discussion of the
Reference No:- TGS02344884

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