On October 9, 2007 the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) reached an historic high of 14,164. Then the Great Recession began and in six months it dropped by 20%. The decline continued and the DJIA had dropped by 54% by March 6, 2009.
On February 5, 2020 the DJIA hit another high at 29,276. Then the pandemic hit. On March 11, 2020 it lost 20% of its value. However, by the end of July, 2020 it regained half of its losses and stood at a total decline of 10% from its February high.
Provide your idea as to why the DJIA seems to have recovered so much more quickly during the COVID crisis than it did during the Great Recession. To answer this question you will have to little outside research and find out what the experts are saying.