Title: External scan in South Texas College
When an institution has the opportunity to perform an external scan, the results of that scan can help the institution know how to elicit community support and gather local affiliations.
Besides helping the local community itself, community participation can only enhance the mission of that institution which in turn results in that institution's physical and monetary growth.
An external scan can provide valuable information about an institution's surroundings including the community's economical, educational, and cultural characteristics.
Select 3-5 data trend areas.
For this assignment, select an educational institution and provide the results of a previously conducted external scan.
The institution is South Texas College
The scan can include but is not limited to some of the following data trend areas:
Regional and local demographics including population and ethnicity
Number and types of churches and organizations
Numbers of members within these organizations
Politically connected individuals and leaders and the organizations they represent
Existing festivals, celebrations, and their locations and dates
Professional and semiprofessional sports teams
Number of people with degrees and higher education
Average income and number employed
School-age populations, number of schools, colleges, and other educational institutions
Number and size of industries, manufacturers, warehouses, and so forth
Amount and methods of transportation including buses, trains, airports, and so forth
Technology use and interest within the local area
Number of homeowners, renters, married couples, unmarried individuals, families, and so forth
In a paper of 6-9 pages including abstract and reference page, present the following:
Provide the results of the external scan that you have chosen.
Provide several strategic or operational planning recommendations based on the results of the scan.
The results of your external scan should indicate how the institution can better provide one of the following:
Local cultural events
Campus and community collaboration projects and programs
Innovative programs that meet the needs of the community
Vocational and job-related programs or curriculum changes
Collaborative program with public and private K-12 schools such as tech-prep
Increased funding or different sources of funding
Expanding off-site campuses
Expanding real estate opportunities for the main campus
Explain the purpose of an internal scan, and how it is different from an external scan.