
Provide two paragraphs summarizing the main points raised


The article: "No Traction: Europe's Car Makers Spin their Wheels" by Vanessa Fuhrmans. The article appeared in The Wall Street Journal on October 1, 2013. Instructions for obtaining the article from the CSUF online library database are provided below.

Your assignment consists of writing a short essay discussing how changes in economic factors are driving the decrease in European demand for automobiles. You may use as references the article, your textbook, and your class notes. Note that any collaboration among students on writing this paper will be considered a violation of the honor code.

Step 1: Print out and read carefully the short article assigned. Print out and read carefully this instruction sheet.

Step 2: Follow the instructions below carefully.

Obtaining the Article

Go to the CSUF library web site using your student portal. Click on the tab Find Databases. Use database Factiva. Log onto Factiva using your CSUF ID and password. Once you are on Factiva, go to the search tab and type the full title of the article in the search box. Do not forget to select the proper date range for the article's search before in fact hitting Search. Select the article and select to download in pdf format. Please let me know in class if you are having any trouble obtaining the article.

Assignment Details/Rules

Your essay must incorporate the points listed below.

1. Provide two paragraphs summarizing the main points raised by the authors, in YOUR OWN WORDS. These paragraphs will serve as an introduction to your essay.

2. In your own words, focus now on the economic content of the article. More specifically, refer to particular sentences or phrases in the article to identify at least three of the key determinants of demand discussed in class as they pertain to the demand for automobiles in Europe. Be sure to explain how each sentence or phrase illustrates the particular determinant of demand.

3. Use a supply/demand diagram to illustrate ONE of the three cases you have selected. Indicate which case your diagram is illustrating.

4. Conclude your essay with a short paragraph comparing the automobile market in Europe with the automobile market in the United States. Identify two key differences between these markets.

5. Your submission should be no longer than TWO PAGES, STAPLED. Please DO NOT use folders, cover sheets, or binders. Do not include Reference section either.

6. All work you submit MUST BE done ENTIRELY using the computer, including graphs. Use Times New Roman Font, 12 point, one-inch margins on all sides, and single space. Leave one blank line between paragraphs in your write-up. Do not indent paragraphs. On both pages, create a header where you will include your name and the class section/time in the top right corner.

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Macroeconomics: Provide two paragraphs summarizing the main points raised
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