
Provide the carbons to the peaks in the c nmr spectrure

The molecular formula is C7H16O and the IR peaks are at 979.98, 1101.49, 1155.51, 1385.07, 1469.94,2876.23, 2961.11 and 3391.29 wave numbers

The H NMR peaks are at .95 for twelve H's, 1.4 for one H, 1.8 for two H's and 3.07 for one H PPM

The C NMR peaks are at 16, 20, 31 and 82 PPM

1.Find out the major peaks in IR spectrum, if any. ie. OH single bond stretch, NH single bond stretch, terminal alkynes CH stretch, triple bond stretch, aldehyde CH stretch, CO double bond stretch, or CO single bond stretch.

2. Deduce structural fragments for each of the H NMR spectral signals

3. Provide the structure of the compound.

4. Provide the signals in the H NMR spectra to specific protons.

5. Provide the carbons to the peaks in the C NMR spectrum.

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Chemistry: Provide the carbons to the peaks in the c nmr spectrure
Reference No:- TGS0861925

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