
Provide screenshot of certificate you generated in operation


A. Describe any challenges you faced and how you resolved them during the many steps involved in generating the certificates and testing using openssl s_server and your browser.

B. Include a screenshot of the final outcome showing that you can successfully browse to the HTTPS site you created.

C. Provide a screenshot of the Certificate you generated in operation.

D. Describe any challenges you faced and how you resolved them during the many steps involved in installing and configuring Apache2 to support your self-signed certificates

E. An application is vulnerable when a developer computes the MAC in an insecure way, for example, concatenating the key and message. Consider hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) as a possible mitigation: Describe HMAC and why a malicious request using length extension and extra commands will fail MAC verification when the client and server use HMAC.

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Computer Network Security: Provide screenshot of certificate you generated in operation
Reference No:- TGS03360447

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