
Provide report on the topic - vaccinations and society

Assignment task:

Report on the topic ("Vaccinations and society") that demonstrates that you have been working towards your final presentation. Your progress report should be 2-4 pages in length and include the following:  Please provide references. This means the sources of where you got the information from because I cannot use information if the source is not sighted, and I will give thumbs down if no references are provided.

A well-written paragraph that states in detail what your topic is. Be sure to clearly link your topic to both technology and society/societal trends.

A well-written paragraph that identifies the type of presentation you plan to give ("Written material") ( (e.g. slideshow, written materials, podcast, YouTube, etc.). Your presentation should be creative, engaging, and informative. Remember that in the last week of class, YOU become the teachers. Think about your audience and how to present material in an interesting and clear manner.

A preliminary overview that shows what will you address in your presentation. Your progress report and presentation should include the following components:

Trace the history of your topic

Describe how your topic compares to at least one other culture

Identify relevant policies related to your topic

Discuss future trends related to your topic

In-text citations in APA-7 format for any sources used to support your statements about history, culture, and policy. Note the importance of including citations in the rubric. If citations are not provided, your score will be negatively impacted.  Please provide references. This means the sources of where you got the information from because I can not use information if the source is not sighted, and I will give thumbs down if no references are provided.

Remember that this is a progress report and you may not have all of the information you need at this point. That's fine. You can provide an overview or bullet points of what you do have thus far and identify areas where you are still looking for information.

Example for "Trace the history of your topic" on the topic of widget-making:  I was able to trace widget-making back to the early 1800s through a source found at the Library of Congress (Washington, 1832). I also found a more recent document that shows that the widget-making industry had collapsed but was making a revival as recently as 2010 (Jones, 2012). I will incorporate this information into my presentation, but I would like to find a source that explains what happened anytime between 1800 and 2010. I imagine that the fall of widget-making in the past two centuries may have had a profound impact on poverty and crime in the centers of widget-making in the United States, but have yet to find a credible source to support this belief.

Please provide references! This means the sources of where you got the information from because I cannot use information if the source is not sighted, and I will give thumbs down if no references are provided.

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Reference No:- TGS03424647

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