
Provide optimal solution addresses mental health needs

Case Study: Patient 1

Patient 1, a 24-year-old college student with borderline personality disorder, has been seeing a licensed practical counselor (LPC) for about 4 months. Patient 1 explained to her counselor that she tends to experience rapid mood swings from feeling really sad to feeling silly and mischievous, alternating with episodes of non-suicidal self-injury (excessive skin-picking) since she was a young teen. She also reports chronic suicidal ideation. When she feels anxious or stressed, Patient 1 reports that she goes on "auto pilot," (drifts off), sometimes even in the middle of conversations or while at work. She reports that she does not really know who she is and describes a longstanding pattern of changing her pastimes, self-image, and careers.

With respect to her personal relationships, she reports not being able to maintain consistent friendships and alternates between making new friends and losing old ones. She also reports that her current partner is "the love of her life" and will impulsively buy him lavish gifts, send caring text messages, and cook him elaborate meals; however, at other times she reports that she can't stand him and will lash out at him during episodes that include intense yelling, throwing things, and has even hurt him on occasion. Patient 1 reports feeling regret and panic at the thought of losing her current partner. Prior to her current monogamous relationship, Patient 1 had a history of frequent &/or multiple sexual partners and sometimes engaged in unprotected sex.

  • Provide a brief summary of the cues that are reflected within this case study.
  • Present your clearly stated hypothesis that reflects the primary issues evident in this case study.
  • Provide an optimal solution that addresses the mental health needs for Patient 1.
  • What actions will you take to execute the solutions stated above?
  • Present the expected outcomes that will take place as a result of the action steps suggested above.

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Other Subject: Provide optimal solution addresses mental health needs
Reference No:- TGS03376940

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