Clinical Psychology Questions
1. List and describe 3 advantages to using the DSM multi-axial diagnostic system.
2. Why are standardization of administration and test reliability so important in IQ testing?
3. What are some of the major differences between the Ph.D. and Psy. D. degrees?
4. Why can dual relationships be so harmful to a client. Describe a nonsexual situation that could be problematic.
5. Working as a licensed psychologist in the state of Maryland requires all but which of the following:
A. Attainment of a doctoral degree
B. Competion of an APA-approved internship
C. Inclusion in the National register
D. Passing the National Exam (EPPP)
6. Fast forward 10 years. You are now a practicing clinical psychologist. A client is referred to you for a comprehensive evaluation. List and describe at least 3 ways you could evaluate him or her. (Do not include IQ testing)