
Provide main proposals to improve homeland security

Assignment Task:

Based on the reading assignments below and web research, discuss the 9/11 Commission Report: The Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States which was released by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks. The commission made 41 main proposals o improve homeland security and prevent future acts of terrorism against our nation. Which four recommendations do you think was the most important? Why? 

Next, look at the storming of the U.S. Capital Jan 6, 2021.  In your cited opinion was this a terrorist incident?  Why or why not?  What recommendation of the commission and proposals would have prevented this incident regardless of the classification of this incident or would any of them have made a difference.  Was this a failure on the part of law enforcement to monitor social media as allowed by law?  Give a thoughtful answer using cited sources.

Reading Assignment

Police departments are using technological devices to stop and disable armed, dangerous, and violent subjects without resorting to the use of firearms. The term less-than-lethal weapons, or nonlethal weapons, is used to identify innovative alternatives to traditional non-firearm weapons (e.g., batons and flashlights) and tactics (e.g., martial arts techniques and other bodily force techniques, including tackles and choke holds). Nonlethal weapons can be seen as shooting avoidance tools because these weapons can control unarmed but resisting suspects early in a confrontation, before they have the opportunity to become armed and attack an officer. Some examples of nonlethal weapons are chemical sprays (pepper spray) and Tasers or stun guns. Many departments have integrated these weapons into their use-of-force policy. The criminal justice system and the police in particular have benefited greatly from the technological revolution the United States has seen in the recent past. The personal computer's application in record keeping, crime analysis, communications, personnel allocation, investigations, administration, and training has made a huge impact on policing. State-of-the-art surveillance technology, including surveillance vans, vehicle tracking systems, night vision devices, global positioning systems, surveillance aircraft, and electronic video surveillance, as well as advanced photographic techniques such as digital photography, mug shot imaging, age progression photographs, and composite sketches, have all made an impact on how police do their jobs. DNA profiling, also called genetic fingerprinting or DNA typing, has shown exponential progress in the last decade in helping investigators solve crimes and ensuring that those guilty of crimes are convicted in court. DNA evidence arguably has become the most well-known type of forensic evidence, because it can be uniquely identifying and because it is the genetic blueprint of the human body. Portions of the DNA structure are as unique to each individual as fingerprints. DNA profiling has helped investigators solve crimes and ensure that those guilty of crimes are convicted in court.

Reading Assignment

Terrorism has many definitions. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or a segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The U.S. Defense Department defines it as "the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives." Whatever definition one uses, terrorism is a very real threat to every citizen in the United States and abroad today. Domestic terrorism involves groups or individuals who operate without foreign direction entirely within the United States and target elements of the U.S. government or citizens. The 1995 Federal Building explosion in Oklahoma City and the pipe bomb explosion in Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games underscore the ever-present threat that exists from individuals determined to use violence to advance their agendas. Domestic terrorists represent extreme right-wing, extreme left-wing, and special-interest beliefs. All are dangerous and have no limitations on who, what, when, or where they will strike. This is a very good question. The government has the responsibility of protecting its citizens from terrorists but also from the government itself. The USA Patriot Act was enacted in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The act has 10 sections or titles outlining new powers for government operations. Titles I, II, III, IV, and VII specifically affect law enforcement's role in antiterrorist activities. For security purposes, many Americans agree that some inconvenience is worth the security that it provides. But again we are faced with the question, which is going to police the police?

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