
Provide insight into the obstacles encountered by the


Find a case study or article about analytics in an organization, similar to where you currently work or theorganization you are using for the "Your Plan" assignment.

Write a 3 double-spaced page summary of the case study/article you find.

Be sure to place special focus in your write-up on the obstacles outlined in the case study and how theywere addressed.

Include the following sections in your case assignment:

I. Case Study Reference:

• Name of the case study/article, source (publication), date of publication

II. Organizational Background:

• Provide background on the case study organization

• Provide background on the organization's current level of analytics maturity

• Include insight into the analytics goals or objectives of the organization (what does ithope to accomplish with analytics, specifically as it pertains to the case study issue)

III. Case Background

• Articulate the analytics issue outlined in the case study (what is the organization lookingto accomplish)

• Provide insight into the obstacles encountered by the organization

• Outline the actions taken by the organization to overcome these obstacles

• Provide insight into the success or failure of the organization's actions and whattheorganization did or did not do well (i.e., why did it succeed or fail)

• Identify the business or operational implications of the organization's success or failure

IV. Course Readings

• Identify three key topics/issues in the course readings which relate to this case study

• Articulate how these concepts are important to the case study (for example, whichconcepts did the company use well to facilitate success or which concepts were notconsidered and contributed to failure)

V. Key Learnings:

• Identify three things you learned from the case study about organizational change insupport of analytics
• Briefly describe how you will incorporate that learnings from the case study into "YourPlan" assignment.

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: Provide insight into the obstacles encountered by the
Reference No:- TGS01706259

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