Final Paper - Comparative Politics
The final paper should be approximately 6 pages long (excluding the title, abstract, and references), double-spaced, with normal margins. Use APA writing style.
This paper consists of several levels of analysis. The following explains the necessary components of this paper. In general, your paper will analyze your country in terms of the past, present and future condition(s). You should have each of these sections: (ABOUT CHINA)
Section #1 - Brief description/explanation
In paragraph form, provide a brief description/explanation of major political, economic and historical trends.
Mexico - colonization-independence
state centered, non-democratic; corporatist/elitist trend with ISI
- Neoliberalism is a dramatic shift
Iran - colonization-independence
Reza Shah, military ruler, Nationalist Movement, Mohammed Reza Shah put into power, "white revolution", 78-79 Islamic Republic an anti-Western sentiment, non-secular rule-mixture of state ownership with private ownership
AND provide an explanation of your country's culture.
Mexico - traditional, authoritative or parochial culture because......
Section #2 - Is it a Democracy?
Discuss whether or not your country is a DEMOCRACY. Give a detailed explanation as to why you believe it is or is not a democracy. In this explanation, discuss and LABEL the legislative, executive, judicial branches, the institutional arrangements, and/or the economic structure of your country (use at least 5 proper labels and place the labels in BOLD font).
AND also discuss what theory best explains your country's decision making process (Group, Class/Conflict or Elite)
Section #3 - CLASSIFY your country
You must first CLASSIFY your country - using only ONE classification. (Developed Country, Transitionally Developing, or Developing). In your paper, provide a paragraph that supports your classification, citing specific indicators listed below. Provide at least
4 important Economic Indicators
4 important Political Indicators
4 important Social Indicators
4 important International Indicators
Section #4 - how you would "develop" it?
Provide in paragraph form an in-depth explanation of how you would "develop" your country. First, discuss how you would come to power.
Then, as ruler, be sure to discuss and explain applicable theories of development as well as indicators you listed in the beginning of your paper.
Your proposal must be logically consistent with the current situation. I suggest you focus on ONE small area/indicator that you wish to improve upon. Trying to change everything will be too complex and beyond the scope of this assignment.
- How you gained power. Must be consistent with the traditional change of power in your country as noted in Section 1.
- What small aspect of your country you would change; explain why and how. Think in broad terms (Democratization/Development) and in broad theories (Modernization, Dependency, Neoliberalism, Statism) and then focus in. This part needs to be consistent with current conditions. Anything included in your plan must also be included in your indicators in Section 3.