
Provide general statistical data related to the qif

Healthcare statistics

you identified some immediate areas of concern that you were able to effectively address. You must present the final phase of your improvement plan to your staff and upper-level management. You will create a presentation of 15-20 slides addressing the following areas:

In preparation for the accreditation visit for AKT, choose 1 health care accrediting and credentialing organization.

• Select a quality improvement focus (QIF) area to improve patient outcomes in beyond the 3 issues that you identified and addressed in Week 4.

• Discuss the selected accreditation agency related to the QIF and why the organization is seeking this particular agency for credentialing.

• As part of the quality improvement initiative, select 3-4 related accrediting standards that the organization will use as the basis for the quality improvement plan.

• Provide a clear mission statement and set of 3-4 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals for the QIF initiative.

• Using the online database provided the by the organization you selected conduct an analysis.

• Provide general statistical data related to the QIF.

• Discuss specific health care examples of local, state, and national policies that have been developed to improve this QIF based on evidence-based practice research.

• What internal policies do you plan to implement based on evidence-based practice approaches to ensure your organization meets these standards?

• Develop a plan that includes strategies for your facility to improve patient outcomes regarding the QIF.

• Describe how the QIF initiative can be incorporated to the organization's overall strategic plan.

• Describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative.

• Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speaker's notes and pictures.



Having reviewed the evidence-based practice from health statistics data, it has emerged that we have deviated from standard practice. There have been long waits in the emergency rooms, capacity management strategies are not effectively implemented by the AKT and we have high number of re-admissions than never before. As we are aware of the Future of Nursing report (IOM, 2011a), our focus should be on the convergence of our knowledge to provide quality services and realize the necessity of new competencies. If we ignore these, we are likely to support the attitude of resistance to change as shown in research by y still faced significant barriers in employing it in practice (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Gallagher-Ford, & Kaplan, 2012). As highlighted by Pfeffer and Suton (2006), our financial performance and control of expenditure depend on implementation of this practice. Furthermore, we stand to lose patients through obsolete practices and endanger the lives of many.

What is EBP?

McVey, Fazzino, Palmucci (2012) describe Evidence Based Management as a movement with the aim of improving outcomes through utilizing evidence gathered through research and mining data. It is simply defined therefore, as research-driven assessments of work methods and patient treatments in our occupational client care and delivery of services service. It provides standardization, a very repeatable model and straightaway deliver rapid measurable improvements. EBP improve healthcare by lowering cost and improve the health sector's public image. Furthermore, our productivity will increase and errors will be minimized.

Policies and procedures that includes 2-3 strategies based on EBP approaches

For the three problems, we will first employ motivational or educational interventions that can help us prepare for change. Then we will develop skill building interventions that will drive the new practice and finally use reinforcing combined with financing interventions that can lead to sustenance of the change as suggested by Green, Kreuter and Deeds (1980).

For the issue in the emergency room, we need to train new workers and develop a time table for each worker so that the queues are minimized. The strategy involved here will be that of minimizing environmental and personal constraints to achieving the organizational objectives. This will minimize the cost to the patients and the organization. Motivation is also needed as a strategy to minimize worker turnover.

The second case needs a turn-around strategy as suggested by Porter (1985) to avoid losing on the valuable scarce resources that we have. It will mean motivating the staff to act on the policies and procedures as required by the organization and maintain the codes of ethics. We also need a focus strategy to expand our competitive scope and be the leading healthcare provider in this region. Lastly, the issue of re-admission due to early discharges needs us to focus on the policies provided by the national health department. Our Hippocritic Oath as we all know does not allow us to let a patient suffer. The strategy to minimize the issue will be that of enforcing the standard codes of ethics as required by the law.

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Other Management: Provide general statistical data related to the qif
Reference No:- TGS01772041

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