Instructions: Choose one of the following Discussion Topics and prepare a 4 to 5 page paper that clearly and succinctly addresses the questions raised and/or opinion requested. In preparing your paper, you may confer with any of your fellow classmates and/or use whatever learning resources you prefer, with the exception of your professor. Although you must double-space your content, you may type your paper utilizing any standard format. In addition, make sure to cite your sources in proper footnote fashion, using any accepted footnote style of your choice.
1) Provide FIVE examples of interest groups you have joined - or would want to join, membership dues aside - as a college student living and/or working in our 21st century American democratic republic. Within that context, why specifically would you support such interest groups, and how would you expect your political participation with such national pimps to be of personal benefit to you?
2) Provide FIVE examples of how political parties at any level (in., local, state, and/or national level) impact your daily life as a college student living and/or working in our 21st century American democratic republic. Within that context, why (or why not) would you personally want to be politically' active with a given political party? Which changes (I f any) the current American political party system would you support, and how likely would be such changes to occur in the near future?