
Provide example of a durable good

1. Permanent goods are goods that are consumed over long periods of time.

2. A refrigerator is an example of a durable good.

3. Nondurable goods are consumed quickly.

4. Product turnover refers to the number of times a product or service is consumed in a given time period.

5. All services are nondurable goods.

6. Temporal factors, antecedent conditions, and the physical environment are particularly influential on the consumption experience.

7. The process through which cultural meaning is transferred to a product and onto the consumer is called affect referral.

8. Meaning transference begins with culture.

9. According to the textbook, satisfaction should be the key outcome variable for marketers and consumers.

10. Value creation is the reason for a firm's very existence.

11. Consumer satisfaction is a mild, positive emotional state resulting from a favorable appraisal of a consumption outcome.

12. Consumer satisfaction is a postconsumption phenomenon because it is a reaction to an outcome.

13. Satisfaction results from a cognitive appraisal, which is sometimes referred to as the satisfaction affect.

14. Satisfaction is an emotion that usually creates strong behavioral reactions.

15. Consumers may experience other types of emotions besides satisfaction after consumption.

16. The most commonly accepted theory of consumer satisfaction is the theory of reasoned action.

17. Attribution theory proposes that consumers enter into a consumption experience with predetermined cognitive expectations of a

product's performance.

18. According to the expectancy/disconfirmation theory, consumers' expectations are used as a type of benchmark against which actual

performance perceptions are judged.
19. When performance perceptions are more positive than what was expected, positive disconfirmation occurs.

20. According to the expectancy/disconfirmation theory, disconfirmation leads to consumer dissatisfaction.

21. If performance perceptions exactly match what was expected, confirmation is said to occur.

22. According to the expectancy/disconfirmation theory of consumer satisfaction, disconfirmation is the satisfaction judgment.

23. Expectations may be thought of as preconsumption beliefs of what will occur during an exchange and/or consumption of a product.

24. Consumer expectations have three components: locus, control, and stability.

25. According the expectancy/disconfirmation theory, expectations can only impact satisfaction through the disconfirmation process.

26. Consumer expectations can directly impact satisfaction, but only when the consumer has very little involvement.

27. Normative expectations are expectations of what a consumer thinks should happen given past experiences with a product or service.

28. Desired expectations are expectations about what a consumer really wants to happen during an experience if everything was ideal.

29. Ideal expectations are expectations that a consumer forms regarding what he or she thinks should happen given the level of work that

he or she has put into the experience.

30. Consumers for expectations based on a number of different sources.

31. Performance perceptions can directly influence consumer satisfaction formation independent of the disconfirmation process, particularly

when expectations are high.

32. An important issue in satisfaction theory is the degree to which consumers are confident in their expectations.

33. Research has indicated that when expectations are not held with a strong degree of confidence, both disconfirmation and perceived

performance affect satisfaction.

34. Expectations do not affect performance perceptions.

35. The tendency for expectations to guide performance perceptions is called expectation bias.

36. Self-attribution theory states that consumers are motivated to act in accordance with their attitudes and behaviors.

37. Service quality can be thought of as the overall goodness or badness of a service provided.

38. Expectations are the level of a particular benefit that will lead to a valued end state.

39. Social comparison theory proposes that consumers cognitively compare their own level of inputs and outcomes to those of another

party in an exchange.

40. An inequitable exchange can occur when a consumer believes that another customer has been treated more favorably.

41. Consumers will be dissatisfied if they perceive inequitable treatment.

42. Attribution theory focuses on explaining why a certain event has occurred.

43. The three key elements of attribution theory are: expectations, control, and satisfaction.

44. The locus element of attribution theory involves the extent to which an outcome was controllable or not.

45. A self-ascribed event occurs when a consumer blames him- or herself for a bad event.

46. According to attribution theory, if an event is attributed to a product or company, an external attribution is made.

47. According to the disconfirmation element of attribution theory, a consumer assesses whether an outcome was controllable or not.

48. Cognitive dissonance refers to lingering doubts about a decision that has already been made.

49. One problem with satisfaction measures is that they are right skewed.

50. Consumer refuse is any packaging that is no longer necessary for consumption to take place or, in some cases, the actual good that is

no longer providing value to the consumer.

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Marketing Management: Provide example of a durable good
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