
Provide either a defense or criticism of the author you

Assignment: Introduction to Philosophy

Choose 1 of the readings below for your essay


John Mackie, "The Subjectivity of Values"
Sharon Street, "Does Anything Really Matter or Did We Just Evolve to Think So?"

You choose only 1 reading listed above from Unit 4 for your final 1000 word essay.

In the first part of the essay, you explain the position of the author on the nature of morality. In the second part, you provide either a defense or criticism of the author you have chosen. Roughly, you want it to divide as 800 words for exposition 200 words for defense or criticism.

We are asking that either you make a case for or against the position you have chosen to discuss in your own words as clearly as you can within the limits of the assignment, as though you are writing to a thoughtful but uninformed outsider.

Review the writing guides on our e-learning page there are important directions about how to do citations of our textbook and how to prepare your paper. Do not submit essay exams in PDF or Notes format as these formats block grading on-line within Canvas. Please include your name on the paper and indicate what question you are answering.

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Dissertation: Provide either a defense or criticism of the author you
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