
Provide dollar amount to reduce budgets

Salaries: Administration
Admin - 60,000, admin - 35,000, Asst. - 35,000, 2 secretaries - 42,000 , supplies - 35,000, adv - 9,000, accounting - 15,000, custodial - 13,000, security-12,000, consulting-10,000.

Community Metal Health Salaries: 2 social workers - 46,000, transportation-10,000.
Outpatient Mental Health: psychatrist -86,000, 2 social workers - 70,000.

Provide dollar amount to reduce budgets (wors/best case analysis) need to cut 94,000 in cost. Prioritize cuts that can be made without impacting the operations or quality of the organization.

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Accounting Basics: Provide dollar amount to reduce budgets
Reference No:- TGS01920706

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