Provide discussion of what it means to price setter or taker

Discussion Post

There are two extremes when it comes to the power of providers to set prices. At one end is the provider who has no power and must accept the reimbursement rate set by others. At the other is the provider who sets the price, which third-party payers must accept. Neither sounds like a win-win scenario. We will explore these strategies in this discussion post.

You are the business manager for Dr. Jones's new medical practice. He is hoping to open in a few months but first wants to determine his prices. He has asked you to recommend whether he should set his own prices or accept those from third-party payers. After researching both options, provide a memorandum with your recommendation.

o In your memo, first provide a brief discussion of what it means to be price setter or price taker. List the pros and cons of each one. Be sure to comment on the strategies that would be used in both scenarios. Finish the memo with your recommendation.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Management: Provide discussion of what it means to price setter or taker
Reference No:- TGS03144263

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