
Provide differential diagnoses along with rationale and icd

Mastitis Case Study: A 36 yo post-partum patient comes to the office for her 2 week follow-up for a Cesearean Section birth. She is doing well other than her complaint of a painful area in her right breast. Upon exam of the right breast the examiner identifies a 3 cm area that is red, tender and warm to touch on the right lateral aspect of the nipple area. The patient states that she has been having difficulty breastfeeding due to the discomfort. She has had a temp of 100F for the last 2-3 days. PMH: unremarkable. Prenatal history: S/P Repeat Cesearean Section 2 weeks ago due to previous C-section. NKA. No meds.  Assessment: Mastitis of right breast. Based on this case study: (please include references)

  • Provide 3 differential diagnoses along with rationale and ICD codes.
  • What are the potential complications of mastitis?
  • What treatment plan would you anticipate?

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Other Subject: Provide differential diagnoses along with rationale and icd
Reference No:- TGS03380297

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