Provide differential diagnoses along with rationale and icd

Assignment task:

John is a 4-year old boy who presents to the pediatric clinic complaining of a sore throat. His mother states he has had a fever of 102F on and off for the past 24 hours and was treated with acetapminophen. He has also been sleeping more than usual over the past 2 days. He has refused to eat anything solid since this time but has been drinking liquids. His mother states he does not had a cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. The patient mentions that both his stomach and head aches, but his mother states he has not vomited. Mother notes no recent illness in the family. John was full-term gestation, NSVD, 4 kg healthy infant at birth, breastfed X 6 months. Immunizations are up to date. PMH: John has had prior cases of otitis media, his last over a year age. Otherwise he is healthy. FH: noncontributory. SH: John lives with his parents and infant sister. He attends a local day care and preschool. Meds: None. Allergies: Amoxicillin: rash, hives. ROS: negative except for complaints noted in the HPI. On Exam: well, developed, well nourished male child clearly fatigued.Wt. 21 kg. Ht 45", BP 104/70, P 92, RR 22, T 101.7F. Skin: pale, warm, faint scarlatiniform rash on arms and trunk. HEENT: PERRLA; tonsils, erythematous with associated white exudates; uvula edematous; soft palate with notable petechiae, TM normal. Neck/Lymph Nodes: multiple-enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes, greater than 2 cm in size. Lungs/Thorax: CTA bilaterally, (-) shortness of breath, (-) cough. CV: RRR, normal S1 and S2. ABD: soft, nontender, nondistended, (+) BS. Neuro: CN I-XII intact. Labs: RAD: negative, Throat C/S: results pending.  Assessment: 4-year old male presents to clinic with suspected group A beta-hemolytic stretococcus (GABHS) pharyngitis. Based on the case study:

Provide 3 differential diagnoses along with rationale and ICD codes

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Other Subject: Provide differential diagnoses along with rationale and icd
Reference No:- TGS03366237

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