
Provide current demographical information about religion

Paper Homework

As you come to the close of your study of World Religions, it has become evident the past two weeks that religions will continue to have a place on the world stage and influence in the lives of many around the globe. In an ever-changing world environment that seems to get smaller every day, nations are discovering along the way that it is harder and harder to stay isolated from one another. In our study of World Religions, if there is one thing that that stands out above the rest, it is the notion that our world faces numerous global issues that demand attention and solutions for the betterment of all of the world. Could it be, given the historical nature of World Religions, that working together instead of in conflict with one another, that the world's major religions could provide real-life, world-changing solutions that would pave the way for the betterment of humankind across the world? That is not to say it would be easy, but the benefits could be enormous for providing solutions to the Global Issues we face today.

It is with that thought in mind that for your Presentation: My Favorite World World Religion, you are being asked to develop a multi-media presentation representing what has become for you over this course, My Favorite World Religion. The purpose of this homework is for you to demonstrate effective research skills in the development of a multi-media presentation that will highlight the study of your favorite religion and expand upon its place on the world's stage of religions.

You will need to include the following in your presentation:

I. A brief Introduction of your favorite religion and the reasons why you have selected to research it.

II. Provide a brief historical study and background information about your religion that will include:

i. The founder of the religion
ii. The date of the religion
iii. The geographical location and the role geography plays in the religion
iv. Provide current demographical information about your religion

III. Detail and discuss the major components of this religion's belief system.

i. The nature of a god or supreme being
ii. Identify and define major rituals
iii. Discuss views of the afterlife
iv. Detail any worship practices and places of worship or no places

IV. Detail and discuss the contemporary application of the religion in the world today

i. Highlight mission and services they provide to local communities
ii. Highlight how this religion may be working with other religions to address world issues
iii. What are those issues and how are they addressing them?

V. Project the future of your favorite religion

i. For the growth of it in the United States
ii. For the growth of it on the world's stage

VI. Conclusion

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

i) The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

ii) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

iii) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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History: Provide current demographical information about religion
Reference No:- TGS03090471

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