
Provide critical policy assessment of evaluation gone awry

Assignment task:

Review: New York City's Teen ACTION Program: An Evaluation Gone Awry

The importance of good evaluation design, and how the design stage can be used to prevent problems that are much harder to fix using statistical methods at the analysis stage;

Key problems with data collection that can arise when conducting an impact analysis. In particular, low survey response rate and social desirability bias;

Internal and external validity and the extent to which these are threatened by problems with data collection; AND

Statistical power: the consequences of having insufficient power, and the importance of estimating statistical power of evaluation design at the outset.


New York City's Teen ACTION Program: an Evaluation Gone Awry

Assignment: Based On What You Have Learned Over The Course Of The Term,

PART 1: Provide a detailed and critical policy assessment of this evaluation gone awry, and what can be learned from this to be better analysts--Be specific about what you would do to do a better analysis. Make sure to draw on readings from previous

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Other Subject: Provide critical policy assessment of evaluation gone awry
Reference No:- TGS03429150

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