
Provide biological explanation of all results use the


Females prefer men as mates with deeper pitched voices over men with higher pitched voices.

A couple points to keep in mind:

• Use active voice over passive voice: "We did this..." reads better than "This was done..."
• Correct grammar and spelling are important, so proofread!


• What patterns did you find? Write what were the major trends.
• No interpretations - Be concise!
• Use graphs (or tables) to represent findings [see Figures section below]
• Do NOT "throw out" or ignore results
• Do NOT present the same data in more than one way
• Do NOT present raw data. The reader should not be able to tell how each of the 100 people you surveyed answered your questions.

Remember we care about the population as a whole.


• You can include the figures and/or tables in the Results section with the text or at the end of the document.
• Figures and tables need fully explanatory captions of what is being displayed: below for figures, above for tables.
• Numbering of figures and tables starts at 1 and continues in consecutive order, based on appearance of reference in your paper's text

o Figures and tables have separate sets of numbering

• Only include figures/tables that you refer to in text - if you're including a figure/table, you need to talk about it in your text.
• How to refer to a figure/table within the text: "X appears twice as often as Y (Figure 1)."

o NOT "See Figure 1.", "Figure 1 shows something.", etc.

Discussion: specific → general

• Start by addressing the original hypotheses: supported or refuted?

o Do NOT say "prove" - you cannot prove anything with one study.
o It is OK if your hypothesis was refuted. There is no point to conducting an experiment if we always expect to be right!

• Discuss the results, major findings, any anomalies...

o Provide biological explanation of all results. Use the literature to support your ideas.
o Discussion should tie back to introduction. Do not be afraid to revisit the topics you wrote about in your introduction.

• Problems with your study? How might these have affected the interpretation of the results? How might the study be improved?
• How do your results compare with other studies? What did you do similarly/differently?

o Refer to the studies brought up in the introduction
o Assume your findings are just as valid as theirs

• What future research can be done? Why do your findings matter (big picture)?

Literature Cited:

• At least 2 journal articles are required in your citations.
• Reports with more citations tend to do much better.
• Only include citations here that are actually cited in your paper's text.
• Citations should include:

Last name, first initial. Year published. Title of article. Journal title. Volume number: page numbers.

• When citing within the text of the report: "Female birds tend to prefer a male that has brightly colored feathers (Seamus 2009)."

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Biology: Provide biological explanation of all results use the
Reference No:- TGS01489884

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