1) Provide at least three situations where you feel women are treated differently in negotiations. You might want to use personal situation involving you or a significant other. ? Use scholarly peer-reviewed references. to support your position and conclusions.Should include "personal analysis and conclusion" (prepare a 2-3-page essay)
Note: The essays will be in APA format, with references and in text citations with Introduction - Complete and thorough response to the question, supported by scholarly sources - Personal analysis - Conclusion
2) The student will provide a 2-3 page review of a scholarly article on the difference between men and women in negotiation. Reviews should include a intext citations, synopsis and personal analysis of the article. Reviews should include a synopsis and an analysis covering your opinion of the article and the author, supported by references. The submission is to be double spaced using a 12 point font and should be more in depth and clarity. Include both name and author of the article.("In text citations, synopsis and personal analysis ")
Note: read and prepare a 2-3 page written review of each article with Introduction - Synopsis of the article - Analysis - your opinions and insights on the article and the author -and supported by other scholarly references - (Hint - you may have to research other articles / materials to support your analysis) - APA format - including references and in text citations - Conclusion - Original work, not plagiarized and grammatically correct.