Assignment: The Formal Annotated Bibliography- In Psychological Disorders
The Annotated Bibliography: An Annotated Bibliography is an organized list of related sources each with its own accompanying summary and an evaluation. They are used by researchers to compile materials for future research and ease the research process for others in the future.
Ann Bibs usually serve one of two purposes. 1. An End to Themselves: These annotated bibliographies are built with other researchers in mind. The document serves as a collection of what is known about a given topic, letting other researchers know what has been said and what might be said in the future. 2. An Individual Resource: Sometimes, research projects are too big to hold all the information you're collecting and synthesizing in your head. In these projects, an annotated bibliography is used to collect and store information so that you can use it later.
Instructions: You'll need to compose a formal annotated bibliography on all credible, relevant sources pertaining to your research question. It is up to you to decide what sources are worthy of your annotated bibliography.
Think Ahead: As you're completing this, try to get a sense of the different positions taken by various sources. This will prepare you for your final major assignment in this class: The State of the Conversation Report, which we will discuss in more detail later. For now, just know it's similar to the Conversation Report you just completed as part of your group projects.
Expectations for the Annotated Bibliography as a whole (see sample Annotated Bibliography for an idea on how your overall Ann Bib should look)
-The Ann Bib must follow MLA Eighth Edition Style Guidelines as closely as possible.
-All text in the Ann Bib must be double-spaced.
-Hanging indent must be used properly.
-Three paragraphs must be included for each entry: Summary, Objective TRAAP Evaluation, and Subjective TRAAP Evaluation.
-Provide at least one space between each paragraph.
-Do not indent the second and third paragraphs.
-Include at least 5 entries. Ann Bibs with less than 5 entries will automatically receive a 0F.
Expectations for Individual Entries
-MLA: Your citations must follow Eighth Edition MLA style guidelines.
-Summary: Your summaries must be at least 200 words and include the source's thesis, intended use, and all of its main ideas. Signal phrases must be included, and very few, if any, details should be used.
-Objective Evaluation: Your objective evaluation paragraph must be at least 200 words and address the source's credibility in terms of TRAAP (with the exception of relevance).
-Subjective Evaluation: Your subjective evaluation must be at least 5 sentences. This paragraph must include a clear topic sentence indicating whether or not your source is relevant to your research project. Include at least one example illustrating whether or not the source is relevant to your research question.