Provide answers to each of the following based on LD = 500 - 20W
1. What is the wage when labor demanded is equal to 220?
2. What is the labor demanded when the wage is equal to $17?
3. How many workers might his firm demand when the wage is equal to 0?
4. Provide a properly labeled and appropriately articulated Labor Demand curve when LD = 42-3W.
5. On a separate graph, using LD = 42-3W as a starting curve, indicate the change when wages change from $8.00 to $10.00.
6. On a separate graph, using LD = 125-9W as a starting curve, indicate the change when consumers increase their demand for the output good produced by firms in this labor market.
7. On a separate graph, using LD = 125-9W as a starting curve, indicate the change when the costs of other inputs in production rise.
8. On a separate graph, using LD = 95-6W as a starting curve, indicate the change when the cost of substitutes for labor in the production process rise.