
Provide analytical interpretation of your selected artifact

Assignment task:

Artifact- Nature's Portrayal in Theodor de Bry's Engravings of Florida Scenes Your essay should offer an analytical interpretation of your selected artifact (the work of art or work of literature chosen from the approved list) by having a thesis about what that artifact seeks to express or represent and how the artist or author accomplishes this expression formally. The paper should address the form, content, and context of the artifact though not necessarily equally. Part of the effectiveness of your thesis is in its ability to clearly articulate the analytical focus and thus direct the organization of the essay. Two secondary sources are required. You may have more, although in a paper of this length more than four secondary sources likely will limit the possibility for you to clearly develop your own analysis and present your thesis about the artifact that is the subject of your paper. A note on sources: The provided course module text does not count as an outside source; although if you quote from the professor's modules you must cite them. Secondary sources are scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and quality multi-media, such as videos and blogs posted by museums and archives. Secondary sources posted in the module as readings and resources may be considered as one of your two required outside sources. Only one of your sources may be a web-based source, although certainly you may access print sources such as books and journal articles digitally. This means, for example, using two YouTube videos as secondary sources is not sufficient academic work for a college-level paper. For additional context, you also may include other documented primary sources in your support (such as a letter or other work by the artist or author of the main artifact), but remember to keep the analysis focused on the main artifact that is the subject of your essay. No additional primary source beyond the main artifact is required however.

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Reference No:- TGS03385301

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