
Provide an overview of primary health care initiatives

Assignment task:

Topic: Transition homes for postpartum women with opioid overdose in New York State

Past initiatives and legislative context

1. Provide an overview of primary health care initiatives in the United States that had been developed and implemented to address the above issue

2. What kinds of public and private initiatives have addressed the problem?

3. Include the social, political, and economic context of the initiative, and the time frame in which it operated.

4. What were the outcomes of the initiatives?

5. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these initiatives.  What worked?  What did not? Explain why.

6. What kinds of collaborative relationships were developed?  Did a collaboration or coalition emerge to address the target phenomenon?

7. Were nurses/was nursing involved in this initiative?  If so, describe the nursing role.

8. Explain how the initiative did/did not address issues of cultural congruency, economics, and social justice.

9. What kind of technology was used within these initiatives?

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Other Subject: Provide an overview of primary health care initiatives
Reference No:- TGS03344551

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