
Provide an overview of community building practices as

Assignment: Creating a Sense of Community

This Assignment will assess your knowledge based on the following Professional Competency Outcome:

Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.

Kouzes and Posner (2012) state, "Leaders make sure that people know they are being paid attention to and not being taken for granted" (p. 318). There are many different ways to promote this type of celebratory culture. You have been reading about and working with best practices on how leaders need to be aware of follower needs. In the case of creating community, the leader needs to be aware of how celebrations are conducted according to cultural beliefs. This is especially important when workplaces are composed of many cultures as they are in the contemporary world. In this paper, you will conduct research on this topic and report back on best practices.

Using the information from your Reading, additional research, and personal experience, write a 4-5-page APA-compliant paper that covers the following:

- Provide an overview of community building practices as stated in Kouzes and Posner.

- Identify at least three different cultures from countries other than your own and how they create a sense of community. These cultures can be ones in which you have interacted within your own country or internationally.

- Research and identify a contemporary leader who has worked or is working in a global context that is using or has used contingency theory. Support your selection with at least three examples of how they used contingency theory. You may also include information on whether the leader worked in a virtual or non-virtual (face-toface) environment.

- Provide an example of a culturally diverse team or environment that you have worked in. Share how you either promoted cohesiveness in that environment or how, looking back, you would have.

- Based on what you have discovered this week, what specific actions can you take to implement this style into your current leadership approach? Be as specific as you can when selecting an action and include how you will be able to measure the effectiveness of this new approach.

Text Book: The leadership challenge (5th ed.). by Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

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Business Management: Provide an overview of community building practices as
Reference No:- TGS02293408

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