
Provide an explanation of the major differences between


Students should work individually. Work that exceeds the word limit by more than 10% of the total will be penalised.


Civils measurement has a number of differences to measurement using building codes. Provide a report on the following issues:

a) Provide an explanation of the major differences between civil engineering projects and building projects.

b) In CESMM 3 locational information generally has more emphasis than in building codes of measurement. Comment on why you think this is the case.

c) CESMM 3 "General Principles" 2.5 seems to be a contradiction, on the one hand it requires detail but in conclusion it requires brevity. Comment on this statement and list other CESMM 3 requirements which demand further description and/or itemisation in order to fully define what is required.


Project Brief

From the attached drawings nos.CE/2/A, B and C, and specification below, which represent a mooring dolphin in a tidal harbour:

(a) Prepare a taking-off list

(b) Using CESMM 3 take off the following:

Concrete work, formwork, reinforcement, piling and ancillaries.

Location - WestHarbour.
MHWS = mean high water spring (tide).
Mooring dolphin head to be in designed mix concrete, mix ST2.- See additional information document.

Only measure a sample of the steel reinforcing rods, namely rods reference D1, and D2 see reinforcement specification on additional information document .

Isolated steel piles to be Round hex Box Piles No.3 section,weighing105.71kg/m,327x 330 mm, girth 112 mm. Each pile to be supplied with a cast steel shoe weighing 80 kg. All raking piles to be set at 1/3 inclination.

Piles to be fabricated and supplied to the following lengths; all vertical piles 16.50 m, raker piles 4 @ 17.00 m and 2 @ 18.50 m.

Outsides of piles, with exception of bottom 2.00 m shall be sand-blasted and painted with two coats of coal tar before pitching. After driving to the required penetration the piles to befilledwithconcretegradeC2,afterconcreteiscuredpilestobecutoffattheindicated level.

Coal tar to be removed from all surfaces in contact with the concrete dolphin head. Two rows of 25 x 25 mm mild steel bonding stubs each 180 mm long to be welded on to each face at the tops of the piles to provide a key for the concrete, (these are not shown on the drawings).

One vertical pile to have a pile test with a maintained loading of 350 tonnes with various reactions.

Attachment:- Layout.rar

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Civil Engineering: Provide an explanation of the major differences between
Reference No:- TGS01644127

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