
Provide an example of the division of labor why does the

Discussion Question

Choose one of the questions listed below and respond in your main post, following the instructions below. Reply to two other colleague's posts.

1.- Division of Labor - Chapter 1

Provide an example of the Division of Labor. Why does the Division of Labor increase the economy's level of production?

2.- Scarcity - Chapter 2

What is Scarcity? Why are things scarce? Provide some personal and/or public examples to illustrate your points.

Discussion Forum Instructions:

WHAT: You will be writing three or more discussion posts per week. Include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference.

WHY: Discussion questions are designed for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the weekly material. This forum provides an opportunity to develop ideas and concepts with your instructor and peers. This discussion format assists with development of communication skills and critical thinking necessary for success in the modern workplace.

HOW: Your posts should be substantive, demonstrate independent thought relevant to the topic, and encourage continued discussion. Please avoid simply repeating previous posts and agreeing. Provide supporting evidence for your ideas and opinions through the use of personal or work examples, relevant articles or websites, or concepts covered in the week's readings.

Best practice: compose and save your discussion post in a word processing document, then copy and paste it into the Discussion Forum.

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Management Information Sys: Provide an example of the division of labor why does the
Reference No:- TGS02937646

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