
Provide an example of good data and an example of bad data


Answer the follow questions with at least 100 word count.

1. What we consider too slick can differ across people and the nature of the audience being addressed in a presentation can also be a determinant. What matters is what appeals to the audience and helps them grasp the main issues being discussed more easily. In this context good design should always be welcome as that would help make the presentation attractive and appealing to the audience. But how to do that on a limited budget may be the main challenge. We also find occasional use of animation in a presentation. When do you think it can be helpful and when it can become a distraction?

Managing the Data Deluge

2. Provide an example of good data and an example of bad data.

3. Explain the following: Other than collecting primary data where might you search for secondary data?

Instinct,Debate and Data making the best Decisions

4. Explain whether data the only element used in decision making.

5. Justify whether instinct should play a role in decision-making.

Interpret and Communicate Data Analysis Results

6. Describe how data can be interpreted differently.

7. Explain how and why data is scrubbed.

8. Describe three different ways to communicate data.

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Microeconomics: Provide an example of good data and an example of bad data
Reference No:- TGS02231164

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