
Provide an example of an employment contract and other

Assessment : Short Answer Questions

Question 1A

What methods can be used in an organisation to identify future staffing and recruitments needs? (100 - 150 words)

Question 1B

Provide one reason why it is necessary to gain approval to fill positions. (75-100 words)

Question 1C

Briefly explain why it is important to clarify timelines when recruiting (20 - 50 words)

Question 2A

Draw up a competency profile for your job, a colleague's job, or other job you are familiar with which accurately reflect the role requirements.

You must provide at least five competencies in your profile and state the job the profile has been written for.

Question 2B

Use the competency profile from the previous question to complete a job description. Including the following:


Competencies required by staff

Job or person specifications

Job title and purpose of position

Necessary skills and knowledge

Required qualifications

Selection criteria

Tasks or duties associated with the position.

Note: Job description should be approx. 2-3 pages.

Ensure you include relevant legislation, codes, national standards and work health and safety (WHS) considerations.

Question 3

Explain the importance of consulting with relevant personnel when preparing job descriptions and workforce strategy. (50-100 words)

Question 4A

What legislative requirements apply to job descriptions or advertising? (20-30 words)

Question 4B

What type of people might a diverse workforce be made up of? Provide at least eight examples.

Question 5

As a HR Manager, briefly describe how you would obtain organisational approval to advertise a new position? (20-75 words)

Question 6A

Write a job advertisement for the following position.

Pet Insurance Specialist

RB Insurance are in need of a pet insurance expert for a short term contract of three to six months in Brisbane. No formal qualification is required but experience in sales, customer service and underwriting and claims would be preferable, remuneration is 40-50K plus commission.

This is a very important project for the business and ultimately you will be responsible for its success.
Advertising should include the following:

Job title

Name of advertising organisation

Qualifications and experience expected of applicant

Methods for applying and contact details

Date by which applications should be submitted

Brief job description

Indicator of wage range

Question 6B

List below at least three (3) channel/s and technologies you could use to advertise the position?

Question 6C

Identify at least one (1) talent pool you could utilise for the position you developed in question 6a.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a staffing requirement;







Question 8A

Develop a Job Description and Interview questions.

You are a HR Manger of a chain of coffee shops. You have been asked to convene a selection panel for wait staff that has been advertised.

These positions are for a new shop scheduled to open in 6 weeks' time.

You have consulted with relevant personnel on the convene panel and you have received the following list of considerations;

Availability of staff is very important to the organisation to ensure the ability of cover shifts should the need arise.

Previous waiting experience is important, as all staff at the new store will be new and training opportunities will be limited.

Would like friendly and approachable wait staff to create a welcoming atmosphere that customers look forward to returning too.

Using the information above develop two (2) documents

1) Position Description

2) Relevant interview questions which will assist the select panel.

Note: Please ensure both documents comply with legislation requirements.

Question 8B

During the selection process it is important to that interview questions comply with legislative requirements.

Using the scenario above, list below a minimum of five (5) questions which DO NOT comply with legislative requirement, and the relevant legislation that the question would be in breach of.

Question 9A

How would you select criteria for short-listing candidates? (20-50 words)

Question 9B

Should we take previous experience into account when short-listing candidates for a job?

When is previous work experience not used as a selection tool? (75-150 words)

Question 10

Briefly describe how you would schedule interviews and advise relevant people of times, dates and venues? (60-100 words)

Question 11

You are the HR Manager for your workplace. You are required to participate in the interview process for a new Supervisor.
Agreed selection criteria is as followed:

Hold formal qualifications in a related field

Have a minimum of 2 years' supervisory experience working in the industry

Availability 10am to 4pm with some possible weekend work required

Enjoy working with people

Question 11A

List two (2) open ended questions you could ask during the interview which would assist in assessing the candidate against the above selection criteria?

Question 11B

Experiment by asking 3 people both of the questions and record your finding below. Ensure you relate the outcome back to the selection criteria.

Question 11C

Discuss below the assessment of the answers you receivedabove, as you would with selection panel members. (50-100 words)

Question 12

Briefly describe how you would correct any biases or deviations from agreed selection procedures?

How you would negotiate for the preferred candidate? (80-100 words)

Question 13A

Create a one-page template you can use when contacting a referee by phone. Including a list of 10 questions you might ask a referee.

Question 13B

Using the template, you created and submitted. Complete two (2) references for a work colleague or acquaintance by contacting their referee and recording their responses on the template.

Question 14

Create a template of a selection report, including all required areas such as: Position details, list of applicants (suitable and unsuitable) recommended applicant and reason for recommendation.

Question 15

Using the template, you created in Question 14, complete the form as you would to make recommendations to senior personnel for appointment.

Note: The selection report maybe completed on a real situation or maybe 100% fictitious.

Question 16

Draft a letter to be sent to unsuitable applicants. The letter should be general enough to be sent to every applicant excluded from the selection process. (Should not exceed one page in length.)

Question 17

In the event you sent an unsuitable letter to an applicant and they contacted you in response with a request for additional reasoning as to why they were unsuccessful, what would you do? (40-80 words)

Question 18

You have selected a candidate who you wish to employ. Briefly describe how you would secure this candidates agreement? (40-80 words)

Question 19

You have provided a candidate with an employment contract. When the contract was drawn up it was decided that the candidate would only be given five days personal/ carer's leave a year. The minimum entitlement is 10 days. The candidate agrees to the contract and signs it.

Does this mean that legally they can only have five sick days a year? You might need to conduct your own research to answer this question. (120-180 words)

Question 20A

Provide an example of an employment contract and other supporting documentation including: Confidentiality and privacy requirements

Question 20B

List at least three (3) documents, other than an employment contract, that you might need to provide to the successful candidate?

Question 21

a. How might you advise the manager and work team of the new appointment?

b. What should they be told?

(25-50 words)

Question 22

The organisation that you are employed with has a policy on induction which is very vague and only addresses the employer's legal obligations in an induction program.

Briefly describe how you would arrange an induction and what you would include the new employees' induction (40-75 words)

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Operation Management: Provide an example of an employment contract and other
Reference No:- TGS02905354

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