
Provide an example of a study that control for all threats


Prompt I: Describe the different types of research design.

There are three different types of research design:

i. Preexperimental design- no set control group is created so it can be impossible to know if the results are accurate because no one made sure that the internal validity was not threatened (Monette et al., 2014). More of an instant result research design or get results quick design to use when there is little to no funding but some sort of analysis between points needs to be seen (Monette et al., 2014). It is important not to put too much stock into these forms of research designs because the research was not well developed and there are many threats to its validity (Monette et al., 2014).

ii. True experimental design- use randomized/similar control groups that limit the effects of the various threats that internal validity faces (Monette et al., 2014). There are many types of true experimental designs but the main thing they have in common is they all have their control group(s) (Monette et al., 2014). It also seems that with most true experimental designs they are able to nullify almost all of the threats to internal validity except for usually one, and that one varies depending on the design used (Monette et al., 2014).

iii. Quasi-experimental design- do not used randomized control groups because the setting of the testing/research is not controlled, it is usually a field study (Monette et al., 2014). The results from testing can be seen quicker, depending on what quasi-experimental design is used, than those what are done in a true experimental design group that selects randomized groups.

Prompt II: Provide an example of a study that would control for all threats to internal validity and produce the most accurate results due to the study design.

A blood test with participants staying with in a controlled environment for the duration of the research seems like it would be immune to most if not all threats to internal validity. History, maturation, and selection would hopefully not be an issue because they would be in similar setting and have similar counterparts in each group, so they would mature at the same rate. Testing, instrumentation, and statistical regression would also not be affected because they would be getting blood drawn and some sort of test done off the lab work so their own test scores could not be altered due to testing stress or anxiety, and the reading would all be the same because they would be analyzed using the labs technology. The only threat that would be hard to control would be experimental attrition because you cannot stop participants from leaving your study. This study would be based off the classic experimental design, a subgroup of the true experiential designs (Monette et al., 2014).

i. Explain how your colleagues' chosen research design might either complement or be incompatible with your own attempts to find the most accurate results.

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Reference No:- TGS03220427

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