
Provide an essay that explains what the study of



Provide an essay that explains what the study of theological anthropology is. Explain what questions the discipline asks. What is the primary concern of theological anthropology? The Garascia article and our class notes will be your sources for this section. Then, explain what comparative theology and comparative religion are. Explain the differences in perspective between comparative theology and comparative religion.

An outline of your paper should be:

I. Introduction

II. Theological Anthropology

III. Comparative Studies

IV. Conclusion

This paper should be between 1000 and 1200 words, which is roughly 3 pages using Times New Roman, double spaced. Feel free to include subject headers in your paper as outlined above.

The only sources you are to use for this assignment are:

1. Garascia article [Isidore]

2. Wellum Editorial [Isidore]

3. Nostra Aetate[Isidore]

4. Genesis 1-3 [Isidore]

5. Adam & Eve Creation-Qur'anic Verses [Isidore]

6. Logan and Kelly, Anthropology Study [Isidore]

7. Common Word [Isidore]

8. Class Lectures [Isidore]

You do not need to use all of these sources. The minimum number of sources to use is three. The class notes count as one source, even if it is different powerpoints. You are required to use the Garascia article and the class notes from September 1st. Points will be deducted for using sources not on this list. This is a descriptive essay.

I simply want to know that you understand what theological anthropology and comparative studies are because these are the basis for this course.

You are allowed two thesis statements in this assignment:

1. Theological anthropology is...

2. Comparative theology is, and comparative religion is... This is how they are different...


1. Use 12 point readable font (Times New Roman is always a good choice)

2. Use black ink only

3. Use ONLY Microsoft word (If you use another format and I can't open it, it will be considered late until I receive it in a Word document.)

4. 1 inch margins

5. Double space the paper

6. Stay between 1000-1200 words

7. Provide a number count at the top of the page

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Dissertation: Provide an essay that explains what the study of
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