Provide an economical framework and use data to support how

Topic: Pharmaceuticals or Nursing Shortage


The purpose of this activity is to provide the student with the opportunity to write a scholarly paper on a subject of personal interest related to healthcare economic or healthcare reform. The paper should be 3-4 pages in length.


1. Provide an introduction to the selected topic and explain its importance.

2. Conduct a search of the literature review of on the selected topic. For an example do a PROQUEST, MEDLINE or CINAHL search to determine what is available (within the last five years) in the literature. Provide at least five references

3. Provide an economical framework and use data to support how it impacts health care cost and quality.

4. Discuss methods to be used in decision making and cost analysis

5. Discuss ways nurses can be influential for positive change in health care reform or controlling health care cost.

6. Prepare a title page, abstract, and conclusion according to APA format. The title page and abstract are not part of the 3-4 pages of the paper.

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Corporate Finance: Provide an economical framework and use data to support how
Reference No:- TGS02676601

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