
Provide an answer to one of the questions in your post


There are multiple ways a Commander can establish presence. From the following list, which do you deem as the best? Why? -Being seen and heard. -Sharing risk and hardship. -Setting a good personal example. -Ensuring their commander's intent is widely understood. -Providing clear face-to-face commander's guidance. Discussion Board Guidance Initial Post (Suspense: 2359hrs, ): Provide an answer to one of the questions below in your first post. You can answer additional questions if desired. Your initial post should be two paragraphs and include at least one citation (reference) from the lesson materials or an additional resource. Value: Post a response to the question based on the assigned readings, doctrine, previous experience, outside literature, information obtained from another outside source (seminar, formal education, certificate training...) and/or perceptions of others.

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Other Subject: Provide an answer to one of the questions in your post
Reference No:- TGS03300669

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