
Provide an analysis of which components you performed well


I have done a video conference presentation in class as part of my course, the conference is about a task that is given to me. I have to give a self-reflective feedback. (plz find the video links at the end)

This task involves each student undertaking a critical self-reflection, in which you will assess your performance in the activity.

Importantly, you will provide an analysis of which components you performed well, which components you could have improved, as well as making an assessment of your performance relative to your peers (where necessary). The second part of the self-reflection exercise involves researching someone that you assess as a very good media performer and then providing an analysis of this person's approach and skills relative to your own. This will serve as a guide (of sorts) for self-improvement.

You may also wish to refer to academic or popular sources in providing as assessment of your performance, as well as establishing what might be regarded as best practice.

you should not compare your performance to another student but you may wish to use a specific element(s) from other student's performance to highlight what they did well and how you might improve a particular part of your presentation. Remember also the second part of this assignment requires you to reference someone from the 'real world' who you think demonstrates expertise in managing the media.(Australian)

From my video of the press conference session held in class for SPORTS AND MEDIA MANAGEMENT.
Here are few of my observations that I found from my interaction with the media.
- No eye contact
- Moving front and back, shaking chair (maz posture is good)
- Laying hands on the table
- Not confident (taha is confident)
- Not clear in communication (napolean and mellisa are clear in their statements)
- Used some words repeatedly
- Statement ends abruptly
- Any question? (asked in awkward way)
- Single word answers - NO

Some of my peers have done well in these aspects. (their names are included beside each observation above) Please write about these comparing to them

Ex: I was not clear in communication, but my colleague (napoleon) was so clear in expressing his views and could maintain it throughout.

After completion of this, write about - reference to someone from the 'real world' who you think demonstrates expertise in managing the media
Skills/attributes/-- etc. qualities of him that I can consider to improve

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P237YqwA878#action=share ( my video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e074CKgEa8g&feature=youtu.be (harish)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSxYFHbX4J0#action=share (david)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJgdixsdO4&feature=youtu.be (maz)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHj96SjQfCc&feature=youtu.be (Marcus)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOx1Nn9vjjQ&feature=youtu.be (mellisa)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNnRLGUFZDs&feature=youtu.be ( brett)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7-mHjy5gjk&feature=youtu.be (napolean)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUsk4Cmvstk&feature=youtu.be (mehdi)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9LY-UE6Exk&feature=youtu.be (taha)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9LY-UE6Exk&feature=youtu.be (taha)


Word count - 750 words

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