
Provide an action plan that lists steps to be taken to


I have an assignment in Private security class. My group have a big research paper and my part is to talk about three issues which are 1- ACTIVE SHOOTER. 2- SURVEILLANCE. 3- PARKING LOT.

And you can find my part in the highlighted text.

For example active shooter, 1-Talk about the role of laws, regulation, and policy on the client organization.

2- Outline federal laws and regulation that impact the client organization.

3-Talk about the current policy at the client organization. Describe what policy they currently have.

A. Describe the client organization....it's mission ..or focus

B. Background Information

Use this section to talk about any relevant background information...on why your organization was asked to do this assessment ...why it is important

C. Briefly describe the activities of the assessment...( your scope of work...your groups focus...your Threat or threats of interest/concerns...how you went about gathering the facts...

(Organize them with in your group) Speak to the importance of security / safety/ (your scope of interest to the mission of the campus)

(Discuss security efforts that the organization has under taken.... positive observations or facts ..PD Dept ...Emergency Mgt Dept. ...What ever you may consider is a positive issue related to your scope of interest.)

D. Speak to the importance of security / safety/ (your scope of interest to the mission of the campus)

(Discuss security efforts that the organization has under taken....positive observations or facts ..PD Dept ...Emergency Mgt Dept. ...What ever you may consider is a positive issue related to your scope of interest.)

E. Highlight three major (scope of work issues discovered that could significantly impact the operations of the organization. These should be considered significant and may impact the operations of the campus or scope of your interest.

F. Now develop a Top Ten list major issues discovered during your assessment (s). Clients unfamiliar with an assessment may be overwhelmed by a long list of problems. Putting the major issues together may allow the client to easily focus efforts on these problems first...these could be an opportunity to create success opportunities ...with out creating a $ laundry list that may not be obtainable. . ...(this list may overlap from some of the others groups interests)

Within in the top ten list ,,,you should state and explain the scope of your issue ...identify the problem ...explain concerns ..impact on...or possible effects if left unresolved.

(list from most importance to least...)
(Bullet points)
#1 Brief description ..scope of interest... problem /or risks (Explain the vulnerability)

Recommendation: (Brief...list...recommendations for Issue...

policy recommendation...procedure recommendations

#2 etc... Brief description ..scope of interest... problem Explain the vulnerability)

Recommendation: {Brief list recommendations for Issue


In the above describe how you went about coming across these issues ...walk through ...observations..interviews ..etc...


Asset Identification

Lists / document some of the organizations tangible and intangible assets in regards within your scope of interest. It should not be considered a complete and detailed list but should be used as a basis for further thought and discussion of those assets...in regards to your scope of work.

Tangible Assets

• {List tangible assets.}

Tangible assets include both fixed assets, such as machinery, buildings and land, and current assets, such as inventory.

Intangible Assets

• {List intangible assets.}

• Intangible asset.... Nonphysical assets, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill and brand recognition, are all examples of intangible assets.

Each item on these lists also has value associated with it. Each item's relative value changes over time. In order to determine the current value, it is often best to think in terms of recovery costs. What would it cost to restore or replace this asset in terms of time, effort, and money?

Other issues to consider...

Laws, Regulations and Policy

Talk about the role of laws, regulation, and policy on the client organization.

Federal Law and Regulation

Outline federal laws and regulation that impact the client organization.

Internal (client) Policy or lack of Talk about the current policy at the client organization. Describe what policy they currently have.

*Client = The University of Texas at San Antonio

Consider theses as vulnerabilities discovered during the assessment relating to law, regulation, and policy.

Here you should write out your Vulnerabilities...Example.


A firewall is a network gatekeeper. Based on a configurable set of rules, the firewall determines which network connections to allow or deny. There are generally three types of attacks that can be prevented (or at least slowed) using properly configured firewalls: intrusion, denial-of-service, and information theft.

There are two types of firewalls. One type is incorporated into operating systems (software-based). The other type consists of a networking hardware platform that protects a group of networked systems (hardware-based).

The {CLIENT ORGANIZATION} systems are inconsistently protected by software-based firewalls. Most of the workstations have firewall software installed and configured. Some do not.


There are several risks in running network services without a firewall.
• Incoming network-based scans and attacks are not easily detected or prevented.
• Attackers target vulnerable network services.
• Attacks are not isolated and damage cannot be contained.
• Network probing for vulnerabilities slows system and network performance.


• Enable operating system firewalls where available.
• Install a hardware-based firewall.
• Configure firewall rule sets to be very restrictive.

Action Plan

Provide an action plan that lists steps to be taken to improve organization.

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Dissertation: Provide an action plan that lists steps to be taken to
Reference No:- TGS01364109

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